Only you can choose to provide the best environment possible for your babe to grow in and the choices you make today, have an impact on your baby's entire life!
Nutrition Matters!
This is what you get and so much more!
- Holistic and Comprehensive understanding of healthy nutrition
- Action oriented, experiential lessons designed to help you take the information presented and apply it to your life immediately.
- Members only facebook group offering peer and professional support and guidance.
- Live Weekly Q&A's so you don't have to wait for an answer
- Invitation to join a Deepening into Pregnancy Prenatal Study Group
- Support and accountability so that you succeed in making the changes now because you can not wait until another 'tomorrow' when you are pregnant :)
- 8 modules (30+ lessons, 40 recipes) and a bonus module on preventing gestational diabetes!
This is a DOING program, as soon as we learn something together, we apply it to our daily living so the learning gets out of the pages, onto your plate and into your life! Where it matters most :)
So, please choose to join me in taking charge of your pregnancy! It's easier than you think when you have the right information, support and guidance :)
~ Make everyday count towards having the healthiest and happiest experience possible ~